《七步诗》 Poem within seven steps

曹植 Cao-Zhi

煮豆持作羹,漉豉以为汁。 One boils beans in a pot intending to filter out dregs for soup.

萁在釜下燃,豆在釜中泣。 Stalks burn under pot, while beans cry in pot.

本自同根生,相煎何太急? Both grows from the same root, why pressing to suffer with each?

Cao-Zhi and Cao-Pi are sons of Cao-Cao. Cao-Pi, as the eldest son, became emperor after Cao-Cao dead. To prevent Cao-Zhi from usurping the throne, Cao-Pi wanted Cao-Zhi dead by pressing Cao-Zhi to make a poem immediately after taking seven steps or be killed. Cao-Zhi understood that his own elder brother certainly would kill him. With great sorrow, Cao-Zhi make this poem above.